To Prospective Students: Advice That I Got and Didn’t Listen to & Advice I...
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bill Hutchison, MAPH ’12, who is a now a PhD candidate in English at the University of Chicago. Bill will be on Sunday’s alumni panel. Hello, potential MAPH...
View ArticleFinishing the Thesis: Do’s and Don’t’s
Eighth Week is upon us, which means theses are due very soon. As you approach the Friday deadline, here are a few tips to keep you on track during one of the most hectic times of the MAPH year. Also,...
View ArticleAlumni Resources: Libraries, Life Insurance, Listservs and More
Welcome to the club! By the end of the MAPH year, you probably feel as though you never want to visit the Reg again. But even a few weeks into, summer you’ll start to miss access to the thousands of...
View ArticleI Just Got To Chicago! …What Do I Do? (Part 1/2)
Dear MAPHers, Welcome to Chicago! Now’s the time that some of you are arriving in the city and beginning to settle in. Below, we’ve complied a short list of the top things to do when you arrive here,...
View ArticleI Just Got To Chicago! …What Do I Do? (Part 2/2)
Hey, MAPHers! We here at MAPH Central are gearing up for the year ahead and can’t believe Colloquium is less than three weeks away! It’s time to get excited and also to get prepared for the quarter...
View ArticleWhat NOT to Worry About, and What to Focus on Instead
We are halfway through the quarter! Can you believe it‽ (Yes, I just used an interrobang.) Part of being a grad student (as you are all quickly finding out) is learning how to juggle a million and...
View ArticleMaking Winter Break Work
Dear MAPH, Winter break can be the perfect time to unwind, reflect on the past quarter and have a bit of a breather before the new year starts. Winter break is also the ideal time to start preliminary...
View ArticleAnywhere but the Reg: Alternate Study Spots around Campus
Welcome back, MAPH! As winter quarter begins, we’d like to cue you into some of our favorite and not too well known study spots in and around campus. On Campus: The Smart Museum Café (M-Fr 8am-4:30pm;...
View ArticleCampus Days 2016: Transportation!
Hello, Prospective Students! We’re excited to meet you all for Campus Days. But first, here is some advice for getting to Hyde Park and even exploring other parts of Chicago, if you have time. Below...
View ArticleCampus Days 2016: What to Do if You Get Here Early!
Here at MAPHCentral, we are gearing up for Campus Days 2016 and are excited to meet everyone this weekend! You can find an outline of the schedule for Campus Days here and a more detailed schedule...
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